
Showing posts from April, 2021

Lifestyle of a Christian - Christian message

 Lifestyle is the way or the style of living.  Peoples are following different lifestyle because of their culture, society, region, wealth and situation.  Life style of a Christian  Life style of christians means,  the christians are all over the world and they are living in different nations different culture and different situations. But what is the fact that unites them.    They believe in one God and they following one law (bible)  and they have one faith but they have different lifestyle. Food,  ornaments, dressing style is still a controversy among christians.  Then what is the real fact...??  Christians living in the all over the world has living in different culture but have an unique life style.  It is the life in the wisdom of God. Christians are following two types of life style. Physical and spiritual lifestyle. A christian ( the person following christ) have two kinds of life style, spiritual and physical. We are t...

Pray For India- Endtimechristianity

 Pray for India  Pray for India for the bad situation due to covid 19.  India going through an dangerous situation.  Corona spreading heavily there. There is no places to bury the dead.  India need your prayer support.  Because  1. The prayer of the children of God have a power because He is a good Father.    "Just like God had mercy on Lot's  family when Abraham prayed.  Why this dangerous situation in India?  Population of India 136 crores peoples living in India. Above 15% people of the World has living In India.  Most of peoples are poor.   Poverty  In India most of peoples are poor.  If this situation continuing  the people will die due to poverty Also.  "Those slain by the sword are better of than those who die of hunger. (Lamentations 4:9) So pray for; 1. The peoples in India. 2. For the mercy of the Lord to this nation.  3. Salvation of Indian peoples 4. To liberate the count...

What is christianity?

 What is christianity?  There are two major answers for this question.   1. Largest religion in the world.   2. Peoples are following Jesus          and his teachings. If you want to know what is christianity really is.... You may need to understand what is an christian life. What is christian life?  Christian life is a journey  because Jesus is the way ( john 14 : 6).   Christian life is a joyful life because its like a journey. Every life is a journey birth to death. But when you become a christian you started a new journey. Your destination changed from death to eternal life.  How the life become a journey?   Jesus said: if anyone wants to be my disciple 'deny yourself,   take the cross and follow me'.  The word " follow me" expressing a journey. Jesus travelled 3125 miles while his ministry.  But we can find a way in jesus that spiritual.  Life will become a journey when you live in s...